Friday, 21 July, from 5 pm⁠

The opening night of "Reconnection" by Nicole Eliza, for the annual SALA Festival. Nicole has recently returned to the Barossa area.⁠

Entry is free. RSVP to let us know you're coming: Follow the link for "Artisans of Barossa on Eventbrite"

Artisans of Barossa is proud to support the local art community by again being a venue for the annual SALA Festival.

We will be the exhibition venue for "Reconnection' by local artisat, Nicole Eliza. Nicole has recently returned to the Barossa area after living in Melbourne for the last ten years.

About Nicole: Nicole is an abstract artist who paints intuitively, drawing from her formal university studies in design where she gained a sound understanding of colour, balance and form.

Nicole’s artworks are influenced by nature and emotion and are a balance of contrasting elements - both delicate and bold. Her aesthetic is underpinned by the richness of authentic layers, combined with the playfulness of line.

About SALA: The South Australian Living Artists (SALA) Festival is a statewide festival of visual art.

The SALA Festival was established in 1998 to promote and celebrate the many talented visual artists in South Australia. The aim was -and remains- to extend visual arts audiences, and as an umbrella organisation, we have continued a policy of inclusiveness allowing all South Australian visual artists of any level and working in any medium to be part of our annual SALA Festival every August.
